
Children’s Ministry

From Music & Missions to Vacation Bible School, there is something to meet every child’s needs. Kids’ Church is available for 1st through 5th graders each Sunday during the 11:00am worship hour and childcare for kids, birth through kindergarten, is offered during both services. Also, check out our Children’s Ministry Facebook Group. For questions, email Pastor Brad.

Student Ministry

Weekly events are planned for our middle and high school students that point them to fellowship with God and one another. Wednesday evening ALIVE takes place in the FieldHouse at 6:30 pm and Small Groups meet on Sundays at 9:45 am, starting in the Gym. Subscribe to the student weekly newsletter and follow student ministry on Facebook and Instagram. Email Pastor Tim with questions.

Young Adult Ministry

We are a growing community of Young Adults 18-30(ish) serving college, career, couples, and parents. Our desire is to see intergenerational ministry thrive at Fellowship through Community, Biblical Worldview, Servant Leadership, and Missional Living. Join us for small groups at 9:45am on Sundays or for fellowship every week during the Summer and monthly the rest of the year. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Email Lance or Sarah with questions.

Senior Adults

Join us for our monthly Golden Roundups typically the second Wednesday of the month from 12:00-2:00 pm for food and fellowship, open to all who are age 55+.

Acts 6:3 groups meet throughout the year, providing fellowship opportunities to our senior adults and assistance to our widows.

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Bible studies meet weekly and special events are planned throughout the year! Email Pastor Brad to see how you can be involved or connect with a men’s small group.

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Bible studies meet each week, both in-person and online, and we offer special women’s events periodically! Email Stephanie to see how you can be involved or connect with a women’s small group. To be a part of our JOY Bible Study, please register on the Calendar & Events page of the website.

Small Groups & Discipleship

Small groups are a way of spending time together and learning about God is critical to becoming a spiritual family. Meeting together regularly builds relationships where life can be shared together. Most small groups are meeting in-person on campus, view the list of Small Groups. Email Pastor Brad to get connected to one that fits your schedule. Learn more about the Small Groups we are offering now.

Living Water Academy

LWA is a top rated Pre-K to 10th grade Christian private school and ministry of Fellowship of Wildwood. Children, age 6 weeks to 11th grade, are prepared socially, academically, and spiritually, with the Word of God woven into every subject and activity. Learn more about LWA.

Care Groups

One of the most important functions of the church is to care for one another. We regularly offer GriefShare and DivorceCare. To find out how to be a part of one of these groups, email Stephanie.

Upward Sports

Upward Soccer and Upward Basketball with Cheerleading provide a fun environment, built around healthy competition. Focus is set on teaching the skill set for those sports, along with teaching the children important values for life, and the great news that Jesus loves each and every one of them. CLICK HERE for registration and more information. Follow Upward Sports on Facebook.

Prayer Ministry

Fellowship of Wildwood is built on a foundation of prayer with a church body made up of people who pray, both individually and corporately, and who base our expectations on God’s promises, trusting His power, not our abilities. Click Here for more information about opportunities to join in corporate prayer, resources to guide you in personal prayer, and information on how to serve with the Prayer Team.

Worship Service Live Stream
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