Winter Discipleship Groups

January 10, 2024 12:00 AM

 - March 13, 2024 12:00 AM

Winter Discipleship Groups
WINTER 2024 DISIPLESHIP COURSES Wednesdays, 6:30pm CO-ED COURSE - Financial Course - Good Stewardship | Room 1105/1107 Do you realize God says a lot about money in the Bible? Through this interactive series, we will discuss how to overcome “worldly obstacles” related to our time, talents, and possessions. In addition to developing an understanding of stewardship, this course will also aid in developing practical skills such as budgeting. Led by Jeff Roark CO-ED COURSE - DivorceCare | Room 2221 (LWA Library) Through this life-giving support group, people are welcomed and guided on the path of recovery following separation or divorce. Offering a warm, caring environment, this program was created to help people find hope and healing. To learn more and to sign up, visit Led by Bill Peters MEN'S COURSE - Men Who Walked with God | Room 1101/1103 How should the faithfulness, sovereignty, and mercy of God impact our daily decisions, along with the life-altering events that inevitably come our way? This semester we will dive into the lives of men from Scripture to understand how their walk with God directed their day-in, day-out choices and allowed them to navigate the unexpected circumstances of life. This study will focus on Abraham, David, Peter and many more. Led by Tim Handyside and Brig Jones WOMEN'S COURSE - The Gospel of John Part 2 - The True Vine ... One with Him | Room 1104 “I am the vine, you are the branches; He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit...” (John 15:5 NASB95). Do you long to abide with the Lord Jesus more deeply and bear fruit for His glory? This winter, we will dwell with the Lord as we continue to saturate ourselves with the truths of John’s Gospel - the Gospel which many say is the most profound and most precious jewel of the Word of God. We will also develop vital Bible study skills to understand, retain, and communicate what we learn. Come and see Jesus as the Son of God witnessed through John’s eyes. To purchase the workbook, please click here. Led by Debbie Jarus